Thursday, November 20, 2008

Farewell...for now...

This is my last post for a while. Andy may choose to post something...who knows...but I will not be doing this anymore. At least for a while. I think I take things the wrong way when people comment on my posts. And maybe people misunderstand the things I say in them?? I just think this will help me to not have hurt feelings anymore. I am not upset with anyone who has commented on my posts...this is just what is for the best for now. :)


Miss Brecken said...

I'll miss the pictures! But, I understand your reasoning, its one of the downfalls of no personal interaction.

Mindy said...

Yikes, I'm sorry if I said anything stupid. It happens a lot with me though. You could always just change your blog so no one could comment on it...not comment moderation, but just check the box that says absolutely no comments.
I'll miss your blog.

JJ said...

I completely understand where you are coming from...that is part of the reason why I stopped blogging too. I found myself comparing myself and my family too much to others, and, for some reason, the pressure of posting got to me.
It is fun to look at the blogs that people do, and the pictures keep us up to date on what the kids look like, but, a blog break is definitley a good thing.
So, good for you! I love you Anna, and think you are great! Just be the best you you can be...only change the things you actually can change, and don't worry about the rest. You are doing just great in your life! Love you guys, give the kids a hug for me, and Andy too!

Mindy said...

We'll be in MN the 21st. Look forward to seeing you in church!

Andrea and Danny said...

i miss your blogging so much!!!