I had a checkup yesterday. It was a good one...still just weighing in, getting measurements and listening to the heartbeat. I can hardly wait for the fun appointments when they "check" you.
I go again in 3 weeks and then I'll go once a week. Those will be the fun appointments. :( I gained another 4 lbs. I'm starting to not really care...I haven't been eating the greatest foods but I haven't been so bad either and I've been walking almost every day so I figure the baby is growing and I'm just going to gain weight no matter what. My doctor said I'm the exact same weight now as I was with Alex at this time (33 weeks). I thought that was interesting. He also said I'm the same weight now as I was with Eric at 23 weeks!! hahaha I was so huge with him!! I was 186 lbs when I had Eric and 165 lbs when I had Alex. So crazy!! I asked him again about going to South Dakota. He didn't say yes and he didn't say no. He said if I were to try to fly to SD they wouldn't let me board the plane and that driving puts me at higher risks of things. But he also said that if something were to go wrong he's sure there are hospitals on the way to and in SD and if I do decide to go that I have to stop often and walk around. I'm sure everything will be fine!!
Anyway...I'm absolutely out of my mind exhausted tonight. I'm getting more and more tired. Can't wait for that energy boost I read about in my baby books that is supposed to be coming??? The kids are so good to me...they get the lotion out and rub my legs and my feet. Usually without my even asking! They are so beautiful and sweet! Eric told me today at nap time that he can't wait for the baby to come! I'm glad they are excited!! I'm just a little excited too! ;)
I think it's funny you asked your Dr. about going to South Dakota!! Like you're NOT going to go!?!?! You HAVE TO!!! So yeah...I'm sure things will be fine...we'll pray for you...and maybe you can get a blessing or something!! ;) :) ;) I can't wait...only a little over a week...WOO HOO!!!
Your kids are adorable...can't wait to see them...what little sneaks climbing like that though...but I understand the "not caring" feeling too by the end of the day!!!
Love you guys!!!
Oh my gosh! You DO have the CUTEST kids ever!! Wow! That is so sweet of them to be so excited and get the lotion out and put it on you! Thats too cute!! Can't wait to see them! When we left last time we were up there I missed them like an hour after we were gone! They're so sweet once they warm up to me :)!
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